Our Team

Sandya Salgado

Managing Director

Sandya is an avid travel bug and has traveled to most nooks and crannies in Sri Lanka and visited over thirty countries. She loves meeting people and loves learning about their life experiences. She is a perfectionist and meticulous when it comes to planning and that’s the philosophy she intends applying when planning Jungle Fowl Holidays for the discerning traveler.

Sandya has thirty years of management, marketing and communications skills under her belt.

Yamindra Watson Perera


Born and bred in Colombo, Sri Lanka and hailing from a large extended family, Yamindra grew up travelling across this beautiful country on many a family vacation. From bathing in the water falls of the hill country, safaris in the many national parks, to off the beaten path beach escapes down south, Yamindra fell in love with her island home.

Having recently returned after 20 years in North America, Yamindra believes there is no place more beautiful than Sri Lanka! She loves travelling around and reconnecting with the country all over again, showing off her paradise island to the constant stream of family and friends who visit, and warmly welcoming many a guest into her home.

Mariesze Ebert

Travel Planner

Travel, culture and food have played a big role in Mariesze’s career. She has spent 17 years working in the travel sector, airline industry and broadcast media. She has also traveled to over 20 countries, and is a keen explorer of our beautiful Island, which gives her the insight into the very things she loves; fusion food and new journeys are what she lives for.

Mishka Fernando

Travel Writer/Photographer

Coming from a ‘pot-pourri’ of a family, her mixed lineage of Sinhalese, Tamil and Burgher roots have made her a huge lover of this island she calls home. With writing and travelling being two of her biggest passions, this introduction to the travel industry is creating a platform where she can find new appreciation for her country, as well as share its uniqueness with the world.

Dharmin Samarajeewa

Travel Consultant

Dharmin is a recommended Guide as he has a multi-national background with over 25 years of experience in the travel trade. He is currently the Vice President of the Sri Lanka Institute of National Tourist Guide Lecturers. He has authored many articles on wild life and cultural tourism and prides himself in being recognized as a wildlife, photographic and culinary guide par excellence.

Dharmin has handled numerous guiding assignments from various travel agencies and exclusively handled the Nature and Bird Watching Tours for the luxury Liner Cruise ship Mv. Minerva of Swan Hellenic Cruises. Professional Photographic Tours for National Geographic and Photographic tour groups and Individuals from China, Architectural Tours (Geoffrey Bawa) from U.K. , Culinary Tours from Australia and Anthropological and Archaeology Tours from USA.